Monday, August 16, 2010


"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!" Psalms 118:1 (ESV)
I find that for myself it is so easy to get caught up in all the little annoyances of life and forget just how blessed I am. But when I stop and allow myself to see what others around me are going through or have already gone through, I end up being stopped dead in my tracks. I have absolutely nothing to complain about!
This subject has been on my heart a lot lately and I found it quite amazing when I picked up my bible and just started reading and realized that everything I was reading had something to do with trusting God, thanking God, and fearing God!!! All of those being subjects I have a lot to learn in!
Paul says we're to "give thinks in EVERYTHING," not just the things we feel like...because so often the things we want to be grateful for are things that somehow draw all attention to ourselves....Matthew Henry says: "We are appointed to sing psalms, &c., for the expression of our thankfulness to God; but, though we are not always singing, we should never want a disposition for this duty, as we never want matter for it. We must continue it throughout the whole course of our lives; and we should give thanks for all things; not only for spiritual blessings enjoyed, and eternal ones expected (for what of the former we have in hand, and for what of the other we have in hope), but for temporal mercies too; not only for our comforts, but also for our sanctified afflictions; not only for what immediately concerns ourselves, but for the instances of God's kindness and favour to others also. It is our duty in every thing to give thanks unto God and the Father, to God as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father in him, in whose name we are to offer up all our prayers, and praises, and spiritual services, that they may be acceptable to God."
The Psalmist said; "Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness." (KJV) How often do we think about all that Jesus did and is still doing for us, and yet keep moving on with our daily lives as if it was nothing?
Jesus suffered the impossible for us, and He deserves all our love, praise, gratitude and adoration. That is true worship! Worship isn't singing repetitious choruses waving your hands in the air and feeling good about yourself. Worship is continually bringing glory and honor to the Almighty, thanking and praising him with our hearts, our lives and our lips!!!

1 comment:

Lyn said...

Right on! I am so blessed.. I especially like your last paragraph about worship.