OK I'm at work and you should see my new friend. I don't have a picture of it right now, maybe in a few days or so, but it is this very green GECKO. Yep I'm totally not joking. He is crawling around on the desk legs and the wall. Yeah I know totally interesting. Well any how at least I have something to keep me company. I'm fine with it as long as I know where it is and it doesn't crawl on me. ;) I'll get and post some pics as soon as I can.
You must be very lonely there at work! Resorting to Gecko's for friends?? LOL
i like geckos, actually. [i'm weird. i know.] i have a gecko story that i should tell you about sometime [you will love it.]
anyway. i miss you. its weird how we were together for like 24 hours, and we haven't even seen each other since [how weird is that?] we should go to the park again... and talk.
Totally Jolene. I have been thinking the same thing. Why does life have to be so full? ;) Aw well. Hey can't wait to hear your "gecko" story. If it involves you I know it wil be totally crazy. ;)
Love you Girl!
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