I think that word sums up what I am feeling very poorly, but I am not good with big words like JB is. ;) Anyhow, today I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I spent the night with Joy Weaver and then we went out for coffee this morning and I am serious it is so amazing what God is doing in our lives. I am so overwhelmed. God is giving me a hunger for Him that I have never had before. That's like all I want to talk about and all I want to do is pray, praise and worship Him, spend time in His word. That's something that I am so thankful about my job is it gives me an hour in the car to worship God and all day to read the bible. God is so changing me it is absolutely phenomenal, ( don't laugh to hard, Dad. ;}). Man God is awesome.
"God today I just want to thank you for Your love for us. LORD, as I heard on the radio yesterday, You love and care so much about us, about our relationship with You, that You were willing to do whatever it took to give us eternal life, and that was to die for us, and not only physically but Your Father turned his back on You because You took on all the sin of the world, past, present and future sins. Why? Because You love us so much. LORD in turn may we love You more and more, and may we become living sacrifices for You.
LORD, I love You. Help me to love You more and more. LORD I want them to see You in me."
Rejoicing in what all good God can do if we let him!I am in on what you are talking about and am so happy! God has blessed me too and am excited to say the least! Have a wonderful day!
sarah nicole! goosebumps of joy! :)
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