The other day I had been praying, begging GOD to do something deeper in my life...begging him to free me, to show me more of him and all of the sudden Ps. 36 crossed my mind, so I looked it up...it didn't really have much to do with what I'd been praying about...and then I looked across the page and these words just jumped out at me. It was as if Jesus whispered into my heart at that moment and said; "My little girl I've heard your prayers, I've seen you tears and I am here. I've answered you prayers and I will wipe away your tears. I love you!"
I am amazed everyday at the extent of His never ending love and grace.
I feel as though He has taken a shovel and trimmers and been digging and cutting things out of my life....its been so painful, but refreshing!!
I will say that He is becoming the LOVE of my life. I wish I could say that He was already, but I'm learning that that comes with complete abandonment of self. Complete worship and adoration to Him. That, I'm afraid I am still learning. But I'm willing to keep going until He is that total, unreserved LOVER of my soul.